About St. Anthony School
St. Anthony School welcomes students of all faiths and provides a nurturing climate for learning through our motto: “Pray Together, Play Together, Learn Together.” This is done through collaboration of the entire school community by creating and supporting a climate that encourages and guides children towards spiritual, academic and personal excellence. Teachers maintain a classroom that is conducive to learning, cultivating a trusting atmosphere where students feel free to take risks and explore learning opportunities. There is an appreciation of the uniqueness of each person that is fostered in the school. Each child’s talents, gifts, and values are recognized and opportunities are given to develop them. Children are treated with dignity deserving of a child of God.

The teaching staff takes advantage of opportunities for professional development training and each have a grade appropriate manual to promote, encourage and reinforce students’ responsibility and self-discipline. The administration and faculty are role models for the students by teaching and modeling Christianity, fairness, compassion, and empathy. Teachers implement a positive reinforcement system in the classrooms by rewarding for good behavior and determining various consequences for other less accepted behaviors.

Our school days run Monday through Friday, 7:50 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Doors open at 7:20 a.m. Students needing to be dropped off earlier or picked up later can take advantage of our Before- and After Care in the old school building. Students are welcome to bring their lunch or purchase the entree from the cafeteria. Milk, for those bringing lunch, is available for individual purchase. Free and Reduced lunches are available for those who qualify.
Before- and After Care Programs!
At St. Anthony, we understand the need for a safe, secure environment for all our students. Both programs are open to all students enrolled at St. Anthony, including Pre-Kindergarten.
During their time in extended care, students have time to complete homework and work on projects. The supervisor also includes time for outdoor/gross motor play each day and opportunities to do crafts and socialize.
Before Care begins at 6:30 a.m. Students may be checked in anytime between 6:30 a.m. and 7:20 a.m.
After Care begins each school day at 3:00 p.m. All students utilizing the program will gather in a designated area at dismissal. After dismissal, students are escorted to the After Care room. All students must be checked out by 6:00 p.m.